Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I don't really want to eat a baby

I thought I'd blog more often once work started because I'd have lots of good stories. And I do have lots of good stories, but then I'm also tired. School is fun though. About 90 percent of my class is really cute, 5 percent are cute, and one kid isn't that cute, but he likes to wear tights to school, so that at least makes him interesting.

Today we had our first of many visits from the Israeli dancing teacher. Dancing with 18 preschoolers was easily the highlight of the week so far. There's something abou watching three year olds try to shuffle their feet while holding hands with another three year old that makes it pretty hard not to laugh.

And speaking of small people, check out these. They're marzipan babies, and as far as I'm concerned, they're sort of creepy and definitely weird. There were some babies with a remarkable amount of detail below the belt, but I left them out knowing the mature level of my friends.

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