Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Somewhere in my 23 years on this earth, I developed the belief that non-tan is ugly. Actually, I don't care what your skin looks like (unless it's that really really really blindingly pale skin, because I don't think anyone should have to look at that), but I just don't like my skin color if it's not tan. This is unfortunate for me since I'm not tan for 75% of the year, and also because I'd like to live past 40 and with mildly unshriveled skin. Anyway, it's been three and a half weeks since I was at either the beach or pool, and I think a little piece of me dies every morning when I notice that my arms and legs are returning to their pale wintry color. I do realize this is a dumb thing to be whining about, but it's just another reason why when I become ruler of the world I'll be changing the seasons to be 87 degrees and higher for 9 months of the year, with one month of blizzard-like conditions, and two months of spring.

The upside of my fading tan is that it means my favorite holiday is just over a month away. Half a dozen pumpkins now adorn the apartment, as well as a big bowl of candy corn. I'm holding off on any further pumpkin and ghost decorations, for fear that my Halloween-hating roommates might kill me if they have to deal with a cackling witch everytime they walk through a doorway for an entire month. (Seriously though, when did it stop being fun to dress up and eat candy?)

Time to sit down to work on a lesson plan and watch the Sox. Perhaps some ironing and making lunch for tomorrow too. My night will be so exciting I can hardly contain myself. I think I need a new Depends.

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