Union went back to school today, which makes me think that I should be starting classes too, except then I remember I'm on this new "semester" schedule. It makes me miss Union a lot though...and not only because I miss being able to take relatively meaningless classes and get by with an hour or 2 of work per week (up until 10th week). I miss having all of my friends so close, being able to walk a maximum of 10 minutes to see any of them at school, and seeing most of them usually every day. I loved seeing a ton of Union people and my Medway friends this weekend, but it made me realize how much I hate having to plan visits to see each other. I miss being able to decide on a Wednesday night that we're going to have a blacklight party that Saturday.

And I miss having a Halloween party and having people just drop in.

And of course I miss the random parties outside of our apartment, except when our door was left open so the cops could let themselves in, and my cell phone was stolen. Oops.

Therefore, I am pleading with all of you to move to Boston. Preferably to Acadia Park. We can recreate college. Maybe form a commune, or a kibbutz or something. At night we can watch an awful reality show. When it snows, we'll go sledding. When it's nice out, we can play frisbee. Oh also, we're not going to work or go to school.

College was fun
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