Monday, December 05, 2005

Charles in Charge

So today I started my first day of my take-over week. Which would've been fine, except yesterday was the first snow of the year. And the fact that I went to school this morning completely forgetting that 6 and 7 year olds come to school decked out in snowpants and suits.

They have to take off their boots, snow pants, jackets, hats, and gloves in the morning when they come in.

They have to put on their boots, snow pants, jackets, hats, and gloves when we go outside for recess at 11.

They have to take off their boots, snow pants, jackets, hats, and gloves in the morning when they come in at 11:20.

They have to put on their boots and snow pants, and carry their jackets, hats, and gloves when they go to lunch at 12:55.

They have to take off their boots, snow pants, jackets, hats, and gloves in the morning when they come in from lunch-recess at 1:30.

And they have to put on their boots, snow pants, jackets, hats, and gloves when they leave school at 2:40.

In between all of that, the toilet in our bathroom overflowed and spilled out onto the bathroom floor.

I tried hard to keep a smile all day, even though we wasted about an hour of the day just dressing and undressing. It was a mess. I tried to set up the routines to keep it mildly organized, but i had about a third of the class running around in socks and showing off their cool new snow pants with suspenders. Finally,at 2:38, two minutes before the dismissal bell, I actually gave up for about a minute, before I snapped back and realized I was the person completely responsible for making sure they all actually got out the door & went home.

Oh my god.
And it's going to snow overnight again tonight...

God bless the snowpants.

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