Monday, August 14, 2006

What happens in Cabo stays in Cabo

Ok I remembered the last bit of exciting news from last week. So, my roommate is a music fanatic, and knows a lot of useless lyrics and facts. As such, she has brainwashed me to not only like her music, but to memorize lots of random knowledge about her favorite bands and songs. Someone can mention Stone Gossard, and before you know it, I'm off on some tangent, throwing out stuff like "Brad" and making connections to Chris Cornell. I was really really hoping that one day something would come up in real life (eg, not on our futon) where I could all of a sudden babble out what I know, and impress everyone around me.

Last week, I went to trivia downtown with some people, and lo and behold, I heard an obscure question that I was able to answer because of all of the dumb trivia I've memorized! It was amazing! I never thought that moment would come.

I think that this past week I forgot that I'm not 20 years old and in college anymore. I've been heading out to the bar during the weekdays, and staying up past 4 in the morning on weekends. It's been rough. But fun. Losure's back in the big T, and amazingly he spent 12 hours at our place and nothing was broken! (that we know of). I have yet to hear the accident report from Pete. I imagine it's pretty lengthy, after 2 weeks of Losure habitation.

Well, tomorrow's a big day. I'm off to get ready for bed....

p.s.--3 days until the new season of Laguna Beach starts.

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