Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I ate nachos twice today!

I decided I like makes me feel all happy and American, but not in the "we're obese and want to take over the world and george bush is our hero" sort of way. Today was my first time voting in Scummies...I finally gave up the absentee ballots and registered in Somerville. And it was so much more exciting than in Medway, where everyone just went to the high school gym to vote. It took me until yesterday to figure out where to go, and it turned out my area got to vote in a fire station! And the sirens went off while I was there! It was pretty exciting.

I ate a pomogranate today too, which was equally exciting.

Last week I started going to bed by 10, and I got a solid 8 hours of sleep a few nights that week. Two mornings I even woke up before my alarm clock, just before 6AM, all set to go. I had too much going on in my head this week to fall asleep before 11:30, so I must be off to dreamland to reaquaint myself with my bed.

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