Saturday, March 03, 2007

And then...

And then my car broke down on the way to work yesterday morning. Not just died, but made a grinding, deathly sigh as it died. In the middle of Comm. Ave, during rush hour. Then I waited 45 minutes from AAA to come, and after 45 minutes they called to say that actually, their first towing company couldn't come, so they would send out another one, so it would be another 45 minutes to an hour.

Then, after an hour and a half, I stood outside in the pouring rain while the guy towed my car, and then continued to stand out there while I waited for the T. And then when the T came, one of my dollar bills was wet, and it jammed the fancy new Charlie Card machine, and the driver yelled at me. AND, she asked some other guy to pay for me.

I got to school two hours late but was there just as my class was lining up for the costume parade, and things only got better from there.

I got a chocolate chip muffin for the T ride home. I'm pretty sure it had extra chocolate chips in it, too.

I had a great afternoon nap while it rained, with the nap blanket--my favorite.

And later last night, I went out with Pete and Caitlin & had a lot of cheap beer, and a pink kamikaze. And nachos! With cheese dip and sour cream!


Maybe you heard, but yesterday was ALSO the 25th birthday of a Mr. Michael Losure.

When he's not reliving his youth of doing synchronized swimming to "The Little Mermaid," Losure can typically be found spilling non-washable liquids, puking up lasagna and alcohol in a sink, or listening to "Mm Bop for 2(?) days non-stop. Happy birthday Losure!!!

Insert lyrics from the Disney musical here

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