Monday, March 26, 2007

Fill in the blank: Kate should be in a ______.

I'll get to the answer momentarily, because we went to the most amazing bar ever last night. It combined two of my favorite things--drinking with friends, and board games! The bar, right in Kenmore Square, had shelves of board games. After a pitcher of Stella and a round of shots, we delved right into a game of Chutes and Ladders. I forgot how much I enjoyed that game. You don't actually have to do anything.

After that, we played Taboo, which I LOVE. I can never get anyone to play that with me, or any of the other games I have stored away, but bring out the Bud Light and nachos, and you've got a captive audience that's willing to play an hour of Taboo. I spent awhile on Pete's team, and we were pretty good, right down to when I picked up a card, and for the first clue said, "Kate should be in a...." and Pete yelled, "CAGE!"

Which was, of course, the correct answer.

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