Friday, March 09, 2007

So, want to hear one of the better stories from recent weeks in my classroom? Sure you do.

This one involves the biter (again, obviously). (And in cased you missed an earlier post, the biter is a 4 year old in my room, who I affectionately call the biter here due to the fact that he bit me a few months ago).

But first, the background information. I leave school at 3, and the assistant in my room leaves at 4. But some kids stay until 6, so from 4-6, they combine the three preschool rooms and have one or two other teachers. All of the kids go in one of the preschool classrooms, which is attached to my room by a really short hallway with a bathroom.

So shortly after 4 yesterday, they had a sub in the combined preschool room. She was doing a little group circle with all of the kids. The assistant director of the school walked into my empty classroom, and found the biter in there, by himself, and naked. Where were his clothes? They were in the bathroom, in the toilet. Yeah, the biter had decided to leave circle, go to the bathroom, strip, try to flush his clothes (flooding the bathroom in the process) and then figured he should play alone in my classroom for a bit. He's precious.

I went swimming twice this week, and am going skiing this weekend, and ordinarly I'd be impressed with all of my activity, but I ate a bag and a half of those chocolate eggs this week, and almost a whole bag of jelly beans. Just thought you'd want to know. I seem to remember posting about a jelly bean problem shortly before Easter last year, too.

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