Thursday, April 13, 2006


Today was a good day. In the morning, I got my first call for a job interview, with a school system that is actually among my top choices. Now I'm nervous about having to prepare for the interview & then of course actually going through with it without throwing up, but for now I've got a few weeks to get that all straightened out.

Then tonight I found out I got an A on my paper/project/thing that I did the night before it was due last week (the one I actually did...the presentation is still sitting somewhere up in my head). So that was exciting.

I spent the last few hours though convinced that I have eye fungus. My eye has been tearing on and off today and yesterday, and I put it together about 5 minutes into class that one of the symptoms I saw associated with that eye fungus is tearing. My logical saying says it's probably allergies, but my hypochondiac side is yelling (even louder), "EYE FUNGUUUUUUSSSS!" I'm nervous because I'm not sure I could learn how to read braille. And you know how they have those little plaques next to hotel rooms that say the room number in braille? well how do blind people find those plaques to be able to know what room it is? What if i wonder around the hotel forever because I can't even find the plaque??

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