Monday, August 01, 2005

"Move...get out the way"

Do you ever get that feeling when you're out on the road that you shouldn't be driving? Like that the world (or at least that section of the highway) might be a safer place if you weren't controlling a ton of metal on four wheels on that road?

I've done a lot of driving in the past week, and I think today it caught up with me. I found myself swerving around people if they took too long to make a right turn. Or getting unusually mad at people who don't use their blinker to make the turn. I learned how to drive in Massachusetts, that act shouldn't be that startling. But rather than just slowing down and waiting for them to turn, I waited to turn, getting up nice and close before I put my foot on the brake, as if to show them that I just nearly avoided an accident because of their failure to signal.

But the biggest thing that I have a problem with is people who jump out to make a turn right in front of me, and then proceed to go slower than I was going. If you were in that much of a hurry that you had to turn out quickly rather than wait for me to go by and go behind my car, then it only seems logical that you'd drive fast too.

And if you can't go the speed limit, then you should be off the road. I've come to believe that I have a right to go the speed limit. My blood starts to boil if I'm stuck on the road behind someone not going at least the speed limit. But today I wasn't satisfied with someone who was driving at the speed limit. No, today you better have been going at least a good five miles over if you were in front of me.

There was no reason for my amplified Masshole tendencies rush, no stress, nothing but a relaxing day at the pool..certainly no excuse for trying to show people that their dumb moves almost cost them and me our ability to walk.

But oh man, Massachusetts drivers suck.

Happier times in the car

The moral of this post? Maybe you steer clear when you see my little Explorer heading down the road...or at least have the courtesy to drive faster than me.

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