Monday, May 22, 2006

A cocoon as a sleeping arrangement

I have an obsession with fleece. I wear fleece pants and fleece tops to bed through the year. I own four fleece jackets. And I Love, with a capital L, fleece blankets.

I had a great fleece blanket that I really liked, until I fell asleep with it over me, and my foot ended up in a candle and set the blanket on fire. Since then, I've sort of taken over Gillian's fleece blanket that's out in the living room for the past few months.

However, Kate gave me the most amazing fleece blanket for my birthday. It's incredible. I'm not sure I've ever felt something this soft. It's actually called The Nap Blanket. It's like it was made for me.

Anyway, I couldn't fall asleep last night because it was Sunday and I had to get up early today...until I devised the most amazing sleep contraption....

A few minutes later I was wrapped up in my new blanket, then under my covers, and away to sleepland I went.


I highly recommend that you get your own Nap Blanket. The blue one is pretty.

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