Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I was excited all day yesterday for the first Red Sox/Yankees game of the season, and even more excited to see Johnny Damon's return to Fenway and what the fans would do to him. But I was even more pleasantly surprised when I found out a few hours before the game that the Sox got Mirabelli back. I read an article about how he landed at Logan about 14 minutes before the start of the game, and got dressed in the car on the way to fenway...and obviously still made it in time to catch in the first inning. There was a funny caption too: "Mirabelli Arrives To Fenway From Logan In 13 Minutes With Police Escort. New Englanders Everywhere Take Notes."

It's totally crunch time now. But the end is in sight, and I'm really excited about having a very very stress free month, with just a little bit of babysitting & some more job hunting. I decided last night that the thought of taking care of a 3 year old and a baby this morning while worrying the whole time about all of the stuff I need to do was just not going to work for me, so I called the family early this morning to say I couldn't babysit because I was sick (like I do). I was pleasantly surprised when they told me that in the past they've given their babysitters 2 paid sick days per semester, so would I like them to mail my check or just wait until I see them next week?

I'm pretty excited about the fact that I'm making money as I write my paper. Well, blog actually. Either way, nice deal. Tomorrow's the big day...I put on a suit & venture out into the real world, which I've been trying to avoid for the past 2 years.

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